Lucien Bill

a proud member of the green team of 512KB club

Hello there!

I am Lucien, welcome to my website! This is the homepage: it contains a brief description of who I am and what I do, and the list of some of my ongoing projects.

My projects

I am a musician, a bit of a sound nerd, a vintage amp enthusiast, I collect vinyl records, I code bit... And here is a list of some of the the stuff I do:

My job: Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET)

I've had many interesting discussions with Software Engineers who have been driven by passion from the very begining of their learning curriculum.

I am not exactly like them. I graduated as a mechanical Engineer in 2013 with one very strong conviction: "I suck at this". This oddly did'nt help me to find a job, but I didn't give up. I eventually found an offer that read like "need a career change? Come in and learn to code". The only requirement was a master's degree, which I had! I thought : "I'm already a nerd, let's fully embrace it".

And so began my career in computer science: out of necessity. Luckily I quickly developed a genuine interest for it. My retraining went well and I became a Software Developper... Then a developer who tests.

I am now a tester who codes: while I leverage automation tools, I do keep in mind that they aren't magical. Put differently: doing the right thing manually has more value than automating the wrong thing. My main skills are:

Where to reach me